Saturday, March 29, 2014

RanCon 9: Words...

" . "

" "    " "

" ( ) "

" ; "

" - "

" (... "

" ...) "

" ! "

" ? "

" . "

" : ) "

- Samruddhi

Monday, March 24, 2014

RanCon 8: Judg'mental'

"I have a problem with you..."

"Problem number...??"

"No... seriously... I mean... I really respect you as an actor..."

"I am flattered.."

"And.. care for you as a friend..."


"I just feel... that you assume too much... about what people are thinking... I mean... you don't really know it... do you? I feel like you judge people to be NOT like you.. too quickly... but... that might not be the case..."


"Give yourself a chance to give people a chance..??? It's unfortunate for an actor to judge someone before observing..."

"So... you are judging me to be judgmental then?"

